Sunday, 31 January 2010

How to Extract Names and Email Addresses From Wordpress comments

Lot of people are searching this. Actually, when your blog grows up and you want to send e-mails for marketing or any other purpose, then you need to extrat e-mail address from wordpress comments.

This is a nice idea to do this.

For this

1-just login to your capnel and click on phpmyadim

phpmy admin will look similar to this window

Now you can extract email address from wordpress comments

2-Now, select your database, in this example we will select _wdp and click on it. then the screen appear will same as below one.

From the list given in left sidebar, just select "wp_comments"

Now you can extract email addresses from wordpress comments

3-choose "comment_approved(Ascending)" from "Sort by key" drop-down box which will sort the comments that you have approved instead of spammy comments.

[caption id="attachment_357" align="aligncenter" width="525" caption="you can exctract email addresses from wordpress comments"][/caption]

4-Now scroll down and click on Export button

you can extract email addresses from wordpress comments

5-you can save this file as an Exel(.xls) file as well as csv file so that you can import all email address to yahoo,msn,gmail,etc...

you can extract email addresses from wordpress comments

Now you can import this file from yahoo,gmail or hotmail account.

Now start email marketing righ now. If you find this helpofull for you then leave a comment.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Common Mistakes that Violate Google Adsense TOS

Google Adsense publishers often commit common mistakes that could ban their Adsense account. Google Adsense is a popular web advertising program which provides a good income source for many websites. There are well defined terms of service to strictly adhere to when participating in the program.

On my visit through sites and forums, I daily notice several instances of misuse of Adsense ads. So here a few helpful Google Adsense tips, probably many you already know, and few you might gain by knowing now. These adsense faq are all picked from the Program Policies, Terms and Conditions and FAQ itself and presented in a simplified manner.

1. Never click your own adsense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. You know this one very well. This is a surefire way to close you Adsense account. Never tell your office associates or friends to click on them. Keep a check if your family or children are busy increasing your income by clicking your ads and indirectly trying to stop your income. Dont even think of offering incentives for clicks, using automated clicking tools, or other deceptive software. Adsense is very smart to detect fraudulent clicks. Check the ads which appear on your pages by the Google Preview tool if required.

2. Never change the Adsense code. There are enough means of adsense optimization & customizations available to change the colour, background or border to suit your needs. Do whatever you want to do outside the code, never fiddle within the ad or the search code. They know it when you do. The search code has more limitations to colour and placement, but you should adhere to the rules. The code may stop working and violates the TOS.

3. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page. Anyway, ads will not appear in those units even if you place more ad units. But this is the limit they set, so it is better to stick to it.

4. Do not confuse with adjacent images – It was a common policy to increase CTR by placing same number of images as the number of text ads, which falsely gave the impression that the text ads represented an explanation to these images. Inserting a small space or a line between the images and ads is not allowed. Make sure that the ads and images are not arranged in a way that could easily mislead or confuse your visitors.

5. Do not disclose confidential information about your account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units or any other confidential information they may reveal to you. However, you may reveal the total money you make as per recent updates to the TOS.

6. Label headings as “sponsored links” or “advertisements” only. Other labels are not allowed. I have seen many sites label ads with other titles. Don't make your site a target in a few seconds gaze.

7. Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default. Adsense ads should open on the same page. You may be using a base target tag to open all links in a new window or frame by default. Correct it now as they do not want new pages opening from clicked ads.

8. One Account suffices for Multiple websites. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do. If you live in the fear that if one account is closed down for violation of TOS, believe me they will close all accounts when they find out. You can keep track of clicks by using channels with real time statistics. They will automatically detect the new site and display relevant ads.

9. Place ads only on Content Pages. Advertisers pay only for content based ads. Content drives relevant ads. Although you might manage some clicks from error, login, registration, “thank you” or welcome pages, parking pages or pop ups, it will get you out of the program.

10. Do not mask ad elements. Alteration of colours and border is a facility to blend or contrast ads as per your site requirements. I have seen many sites where the url part is of the same colour as the background. While blending the ad with your site is a good idea, hiding relevant components of the ads is not allowed. Also do not block the visibility of ads by overlapping images, pop ups, tables etc.

11. Do not send your ads by email. Html formatted emails look good and allow placement of these javascript ads. But it is not allowed as per TOS. You do not want impressions registering on their logs from any email even once. They are watching!

12. Keep track of your content. So Adsense is not allowed on several non content pages. But it is also not allowed on several content pages too. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.

13. Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches
– Ensure you are not in any way altering the site which the user reaches to after clicking the ads. Do not frame, minimize, remove, redirect or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page or Search Results Page after the user clicks on any Ad or Search results.

14. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing – Although the definition of ‘excessive’ is a gray area and is subject to discretion, yet Google adsense with correct placement, focused content and high traffic will get you much more income than other programs, so excessive advertising is not required. Keyword stuffing does target better focused ads, but overdoing it is not required.

15. Ensure you Language is Supported – Adsense supports “Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish”. In addition, AdSense for search is available in Czech, Slovak, and Traditional Chinese. If your web pages language is not supported, do not use the code on such pages.

Check adsense allowed languages

16. Do not specify Google ads as your alternate ads. – Several services like Chitika eminimalls allow you to place alternate urls, when a targeted paying ad cannot be displayed. This involved creating an simple html page and putting the ad to be displayed instead. Even Adsense allows an alternate url feature instead of displaying public service ads. But never use Adsense ads as alternate urls.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Which wordpress plugins I am using and why??

I am using these plugins

How can a guest post increase traffic for a blog??

I love to blog. What fuels my blogging fire? People who actually read and take part in what I write about. Oh, and coffee has a little something to do with it as well.

Do you find enjoyment in blogging? Do you want more people to pop on over to your site and get to know you better? In essence, do you want more traffic and subscribers? If you answered “yes” to the above questions, then you’ve got start guest posting (and having others guest post for you).

Why Guest Post?

Guest posting for someone else’s blog gives you the opportunity to reach a larger audience with what you are all about. If what you have to say is something of value, then people will want to hear it, and more of it. By posting on another’s blog, you have potentially reached a whole new audience that, if they like what you have to say, will follow you back to your own blog. You will add value to the blog you guest posted for and you will bring new friends to your own blog. This is also true if you allow others to guest post on your blog.

Where Should I Guest Post? Who Should I Let Guest Post For Me?

Start looking at the blogs in your niche for ideas of where to guest post. Find the blogs that have a pretty good following and email the blog owner. Ask them if they would be willing to let you guest post. Make sure to let them know that you have something of value to offer their readers. Make sure to send along some ideas for articles.

As far as having people guest post for you, be picky. Make sure that they truly add value to your site and your readers. Your reputation–your blog’s reputation–is at stake. You are in control, you make the decisions, choose wisely. Also, let the guest poster know that you have the prerogative to edit the post as you see fit (if you edit the article, make sure to send it to the guest poster for review).

What Are The Benefits Of Guest Posting?

The main benefit is that you get your writing to a larger audience. In turn, you will most likely receive more traffic and make many more friends, via subscribers. I highly recommend guest posting if you are looking to grow your blog.

Etiquette Of Guest Posting

If you are guest posting for someone, make sure that you link to the site where you are guest posting at. They are giving you a platform to showcase your writing, you should give them the same courtesy.

If you are having someone guest post for you, make sure to link to their blog to make sure they get the credit (I always do this at the top of the post). You want to send them traffic as well – you help them, they help you!

Make Sure To Send A Byline

When you guest post for someone, make sure you send along a byline (information about yourself and your blog) so that the readers get to know a little bit about who you are and where they can find you.

If you have someone guest post for you, make sure you remind them to send along a byline as well.

Well, what are you waiting for?! Get out there and guest post for someone!

Friday, 22 January 2010

Top 10 Article Directories of 2010

Best Article Directories of 2010

Well if you are considering submitting articles to article directories for either traffic generation or seo reasons like back links, You should seriously think about submitting them to niche article directories.

1. Alexa TR = 132  Page Rank 6 is a service which brings writers and ezine publishers together. A website that (began in 1999 has now over 1,000,000 quality original articles and over 100,000 expert authors sharing their best ezine articles. From health to fasion, building to romance, you can find articles about anything using the search option.

Each article is (origional in its own way. The main attraction for both author and publishers is that authors can upload articles and if the articles is good enough that some publishers like it then it can be published in different magazines, producers to publish their work with an easy and free process.

2. Alexa TR = 432 Page Rank 6 Free Articles Directory was established in 2005 as a website to provide a free platform for content producers to publish their work online with an easy and free process.

Over the past two years their platform as grown at a rapid pace, over the last 9 months they have rolled out 4 new versions for French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese speakers to reach their target audiences. Currently there are over 55,000 (publishers to their website and growing daily.

3. Alexa TR = 1286  Page Rank 5 consists of a dynamic network of authors and content contributors who they proudly refer to as their Intelligent Life on the web. As subject experts, their authors and content contributors create an informative, yet comfortable place for finding information about all things from animals to tourism.

With current news in their What's the Buzz? section, thousands of interesting categories, endless entertainment from their Escape Hatch, an interactive online community, and thought-provoking polls, offers a medium through which to share knowledge of the world.

4. Alexa TR = 5286 Page Rank 5

their mission is to build intelligent discussion from wide range of viewpoints while providing useful information to the World. they pledge to do what they can to use their small corner of the World Wide web to make the Internet a better place.

5. Alexa TR = 3147 Page Rank 5

They have been collecting articles and been writing their own articles since 2002, their database became so large that they decided the time was right to build a site based around these articles, and to encourage and promote authors to submit fresh content.

Articles can be a great way of promoting sites, by sharing your knowledge and experience you can demonstrate your understanding and expertise, if readers are impressed with your copy, they will visit your site to learn more.

They also allow text links, which are one of the most important ways you can promote a site on the web, links bring direct traffic and contribute to your rankings. Article sites are also a great place to find free web content to add to your own site.

6. Alexa TR = 1599 Page Rank 6 is an article search engine and directory, updated daily. The staff at GoArticles are dedicated to meeting the needs of contributing Authors, newsletter Publishers and visitors by providing the best and largest article database on the web. Their goal is to make great content available to you when you want it, not when someone decides to send it to you. is one of 15 web sites comprising the Jayde Online Network, most of which focus on niche areas of particular interest to webmaster's, marketers, newsletter publishers, authors and entrepreneurs. Watch for the launch of other newsletter and resourrce sites in the coming months.

Jayde Online was founded in 1993 and incorporated in early 1998. The company has been internet-focused from its creation and primarily involved in the publication of email newsletters and the development of niche and general search engines. they are currently located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

7. Alexa TR = 12740 Page Rank3 is owned and maintained by Shelley Lowery, President of Brajusta Publishing, Inc., a direct marketing company located in Lewis Center, Ohio, specializing in providing instructional electronic books, software and publications.

Before launching her Internet career, Shelley was employed by Worthington Industries, a Fortune 500 company, where she was a "Production Scheduling Coordinator." That's where she discovered her true passion for business and computers.

She quit her job in 1995, after ten years of employment, to pursue her dreams and launch her full time Internet business. She has been through all of the trials and errors of web design and development, Internet marketing and promotion, writing a weekly publication and running a full time Internet business and now shares her experience with her visitors.

8. Alexa TR = 171805 Page Rank 0 is a free online article directory that provides new articles for websites. their big article database is a good source of free articles for your website.

Authors can submit new articles.

webmaster's can choose some content for websites from their free articles by picking a category.

Readers can enjoy their time reading their new articles.

9. Alexa TR = 2114 Page Rank 6

WebProNews is your comprehensive resource for news, information, and tips related to online business. they cover the latest developments in search engines, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, advertising, and online branding.

they offer not just news, but analysis of developments in the online business space, and tutorials and insight into how to build a better online presence. That means the topics they cover stretch beyond just their aforementioned specialties and include new concepts and developments affecting online business (think web 2.0, podcasting, video, various media), and even include financial, legal and political issues that have direct bearing on the web industry.

In addition to that, they attend and cover major industry conferences like Search Engine Strategies, SMX, PubCon, and the Portable Media Expo. With us there for you, it's like saving a few bucks on registration and travel costs. By signing up for the WebProNews newsletter, you can receive conference information and the latest e-commerce news and tips right in your email inbox.

All in all, they can help you make a better web brand and web site, and they can help you build the right kind of web exposure.

10. Alexa TR = 4353 Page Rank 2

The Article and Ezine Publisher Database is dedicated to offering quality products, and services to help ezine publishers develop more business. Plus provide the hobbyist, and those serious about their special interest with electronic newsletters of their choice in just about every category you can imagine!

11.ArticleDashboard Alexa TR=2986 Page Rank 5

Submit articles to the Article Dashboard directory, search and find free website and ezine content, 
and open an author submission management account.

[Updated 16-02-2010]

Added ArticleDashboard on request of Chai

Thursday, 21 January 2010

The things that should be avoided in SEO

If you’re planning on using search engine optimization techniques for your business, you’d better know what you need to avoid along the way. While there are many useful and legitimate ways to increase the SEO of your site, there are just as many ways to creates problems for your web site’s credibility and searchability. By learning what you avoid, you can boost your business’ reputation as well as the traffic flow.

While it might seem like a good idea to add as many of your desired keyword as possible to your web site, that’s actually not the best Denver search engine optimization technique. When you do this, several things happen that can damage your site’s credibility:

· Your articles won’t read as easily – When you’re ‘stuffing’ the website with keywords, the reader will know it. Seeing the same word over and over only looks bad for your business. Are you trying to give your reader viable information or are you just trying to trick the search engine?
· The search engine may realize what you’re doing – If you’re only trying to help your SEO by adding more keywords, the search engine may rank you lower. Because these search engines know that more businesses are aware of the use of SEO, they are looking for those that abuse this tip.
· You won’t look like an expert – When you create articles and information only so that you can include your keyword, it can begin to look like you might not be as reliable of a company.

Another no-no in Denver search engine optimization is to hide your keywords in pages that a customer can’t read. Most of the web sites that used to do this are now defunct as search engines began to crack down on sites that tried this trick. When you use hidden pages to increase your SEO, the reader will be drawn to your web site because of this, but it may not be what they were searching for in the first place. Many of the hidden keywords are only there to increase traffic – but when the customer arrives on your site and sees that nothing is related to their search, they will not continue to respect your site’s contents.

Constantly leaving old SEO content on your site is another way to decrease your Denver search engine optimization. When your reader comes to your site, they want to see things that are exciting and new, or else they will go elsewhere to find these fresh ideas. Though you might see initial rises in your traffic flow from new articles, these high traffic numbers eventually decrease as those returning to your site see that nothing has changed and begin to stop coming back.

When you’re trying to increase your Denver search engine optimization, you need to realize that while you might read a lot of advice on what TO do, there’s little advice on what NOT to do. But by avoiding these common mistakes, you will increase your web site’s popularity – and start bringing in the sales you deserve.

Free Wordpress SEO Ebook for Beginners

Some acquaintance / friend like me asking how to optimize a blog for it to be indexed by search engines with a good position, that is on the first page.
I hold the light just is not SEO experts who know the specialty search engine algorithm. I learn to use wordpress blog I also make a new start at this blog, after that I created several blogs to find money.
Previously I had to write about SEO for the visitor to become quite popular after the publication by Cosaaranda. Have tried to apply but who do not get satisfactory results. Indeed, SEO is the way god drunken incoherence, but still needed the basics of SEO to optimize a blog so easily indexed in search engines.

During this every time I finished installing the wordpress blog, I always modify the blog that the steps are simply imitating the Free E-book SEO For Wordpress Beginner's BlogOhBlog owned Jai Nischal Verma

Download Free Wordpress SEO Ebook for Beginners

Your blog may be succedded

Blogging has become the trend of the day. Many webmasters have turned to content management systems like blogs to power their websites. Blog have also become a great tool that most businesses use to get the attention of more customers. With all the the different blogging software and options available nowadays, setting up a blog is much easier than it used to be.

For the independent professional, blogs are an easy communication tool to enhance credibility and trust among customers. Besides that, blogs make it easy for other people to locate you on the Internet.

But then, 9 out of 10 blogs that are created have the tendency to be abandoned because they can take up a lot of time. And time is one thing that professionals do not have much of. The result may not seem apparent in the beginning but it will be later on.

There are some keys to making your blog work best for you, instead of you working for it. Once you learn and practice these steps, it will only take you less than 20 minutes to post one entry.

A little more time should be spent reviewing, reading and commenting on your blog and other blogs sites on the internet. Interacting with your blogs visitors and interacting on other blogs will help increase your traffic and keep your subscribers and readers coming back to your blog.

Here are a few keys to a successful blog?

1. Write important and unique content. You can also narrate and share stories to highlight your knowledge and expertise. Never forget how telling your readers how you deal with clients or problems. Let them know the value of what you are offering. And make it easy for them to contact you if they have questions to ask or if they want to avail your services.

2. Post at least tree times a week or as much as once a day. These need not be very long articles. Short articles are fine as long as long as the essence and value is there.

3. Link to other useful resources available on the web. This is very important in order to build traffic and expanding your target market. You can research online for topics you can post that is related to your sites offering. Try to visit and comment on other blogs. Let them know that you are spending time reading about them so they know that you are always available.

4. Submit your blog to blog directories and do trackbacks. has a long list of directories, a link should be on the sidebar here. Trackbacks are links to another sites blog post within your blog post. Making reference to another blog post you liked may show as comment on that post and get a link back to yours.

5. Keep track of your visitors. Have a counter set up in your blog so you will see who has been reading your posts. This will also help you in figuring out the number of people that are coming in and coming back to your blog.

6. Make a list of all your products and services. Check if the landing pages are linked correctly. Nothing can turn off visitors quickly than having been linked to some site not in any way related to your blog. If you have a shopping cart, you can use your affiliate links and ad tracking features for easy access.

7. Remember to link to your own website or other blogs you author and vice versa.

8. Blogs should not be pure sales talk. Readers are a lot smarter nowadays. They can sense marketing from afar. If this happens, they will not be interested in continuing on because they do not want to be marketed on. They encounter those things everyday so spare them the suffering.

9. Be patient. Although there are some blogs that work right away, some takes time. Update, update and update but do not expect instant result to come pouring in. Just sit back and think of other techniques you can use to your blogs to make it more successful.

10. Try not to use PLR articles like I have with this post! If you have read this article and know my blog and writing this is a lazy method for me to make an occasional post. Yes I admit it! I didn’t write this whole post but I did rewrite it a bit and it may have been faster to write my own post.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Some mistakesthat leades to Get Banned by the Search Engines

When you build your website, you, of course, want to get high rankings in the search engines. There are lots of ways to do this and lots of ways to NOT do this. Below are 10 things to avoid if you want to be in good standing with the search engines.

1. Duplicate Content/Sites
– In my openion, this is the biggest mistake that a webmaster does and frequently does.Do not set up multiple sites or site pages using basically the same content with a few different keywords spread around. This does not fool the search engines.

2. Cloaking – Cloaking is when a website or webpage is set up to show different content for a search engine spider than the human visitors. The cloaked page (for the spiders) is stuffed with keywords in an attempt to get higher rankings. What it can get you is banned!

3.Bad linking – Backlinks does the better to get ranked in searche engines but be careful who you link to because you can be found guilty by association. Do not link to non-family friendly websites and unethical websites.

4. Title Stacking – This is simply trying to give each page more than one title tag so you can use more keywords to get higher rankings. The search engines consider this a dirty little trick.

5. Doorway Pages – People want huge traffic without any effort. Doorway or gateway pages are pages that are set-up for one keyword topic but then they take you to different content. These pages usually have little value in the way of content and have little to do with the rest of the site. They are used solely to try to get a higher rank in the search engines.

6. Redirect Pages – Redirect pages are set up to rank high in the search engines but when you click on the page, it will take you to another page which is usually a sales page for a product or service. Redirect only when you have purchased new domain and you want to get all the previous domain traffic to new domain.

7. Automated Submission Services - Do not use automated submission services. They are against Google’s TOS and can get you banned. or any other services offered are against what google want. Do SEO do SEO do SEO.

8. Hidden Links – This is when a link is added to a page in such a small size that it cannot be seen by human visitors but can be picked up by the search engine spiders. This might work for a time but when the search engines discover it, you will be penalized!

9. Keyword Stuffing – Keyword stuffing or spamming is simply being too repetitive with your keywords as to the extent of your content not being sensible. For example if your keywords are cat food and your text reads something like this: When your cat gets hungry be sure to feed them this cat food because your cat will like this cat food. This cat food comes in an easy to open cat food can and contains fish, chicken and healthy ingredients that all cat food should have. So, when your cat is hungry for cat food, give them this cat food because this cat food is the best cat food for your cat!

You can easily see why this kind of keyword stuffing should not be used.

10. Invisible Text – This is when you hide text by using the same color text and background. The invisible text is meant for the search engines only and not for visitors. This is done so you can stuff a lot more keywords on your page without wrecking your content. The search engines will discover this and they will penalize you!

Be careful not to use these Black Hat SEO methods because it could cause you a lot of trouble with the search engines. Be careful as well, who you hire to work on your site because some of these things can be done without your knowledge and cause your site to get banned or penalized.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Why title of the post is most important

The title of your next post is the main factor that people use to determine whether they’ll read your next post. This is true in most places that people are going to stumble upon your post whether it be on a search engine, in an RSS feed, on a social media site, in a link from another blog etc.

A great title will draw people into the post and give them reason to read it.

A bad title will more often than not be ignored, glossed over and mean a post goes unread.

As a result – bloggers need to spend at least a few minutes thinking specifically about the post title before publishing. Without it all the effort that you put into your actual post could be wasted.

Tips to write effective posts

Much has been written on the topic of writing great blog post titles and I’ll link to some great resources below – but here are a few strategies and tips that I’ve found useful.

  1. Communicate a Benefit – a title should tell readers something that they’ll ‘get’ by reading your post.

  2. Create Controversy or Debate – not suitable for every post title but there’s nothing like Debate to get people checking out a post.

  3. Ask a Question – in my experience posts with questions in the titles tend to get read more than others – they also are better at stimulating comments from readers.

  4. Personalize Titles – for example: using ‘you’ in your post title (and post) can have a real impact and take a post from the realm of ‘theory’ into a more personal post.

  5. Use Keywords – keywords that signal to readers and search engines what your post is about can help draw in significant traffic if you use them well.

  6. Use Power Words – Not all words are created equal – some evoke a powerful response in readers – words like ‘free’, ’stunning’, ‘discover’, ‘warning’, ’secrets’, ‘easy’ etc all work well in my experience of blogging.

  7. Make Claims and Promises – as long as you can back them up in your post – a big claim or promise can get someone’s attention.

  8. Humor Titles – be careful with this one – funny can work great but it can also leave your readers very confused if it’s too cryptic…. or if it’s just not funny.

How to show AdSense Ads After First or Every Post in Wordpress Blogs

This is the most searched and frequently asked question that How can add google ads at home page after posts.

To do this, You need to edit famous wordpress loop. Such a loop can be found in your current wordpress theme’s index.php. There may be other files present in your theme directory which uses loop like archives.php. They may need to be updated as well.

Listed below are steps to edit loop in index.php file. Similar steps can be performed for other files too, if required.

1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard >>Design >> Theme Editor.

2. Click on index.php or Main Index Template file. It will open in Theme Editor on left.

3. Find a line:

<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

4. Add before it:

 <?php $adcount = 1; ?>

5. So final code will look:

<?php $adcount = 1; ?>

<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

6. Now find:

<?php endwhile; ?>

7. Add before it:

<?php $adcount++; ?>

8. So final code will look:

<?php $adcount++; ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

9. Now inside loop, i.e. after “while” line but before “endwhile” line put your AdSense codes. Exact location depend on your choice between ads before post, ads after post, etc. Important thing is you have to put your AdSense code in a if-block. below is an example…

<?php if ($adcount == 1) : ?>

<!-- Put Your AdSense Code here -->

<?php endif; $adcount++; ?>

That’s it. Save changes and check if it works.


1. If you want to put ads after first two post…

In step 9 code, Change $adcount == 1 to $adcount == 2

2. If you want to put ads after first three post…

In step 9 code, Change $adcount == 1 to $adcount == 3

3. If you want to put ads after each post…

In step 9 code, Change $adcount == 1 to $adcount == 3. Yes this is same like above. Because AdSense only allows maximum three ad-units on a a single page. This way you avoid blank space created after each post when you directly put AdSense code after each post.

If any problem, just contact me at

20 Ways to Increase your Alexa Rank

Here is a collection of methods you can use to boost your Alexa Rank. Most of these tips are derived from several fellow webmasters I know who claimed to have derived positive results through their experiments with the Alexa Rankings.

Some of the other tips were derived articles and sources, which I have duly referenced at the end of this post.

Do these tips work? According to some, yes they definitely do work. But do note that most of them require active effort of some sort and hence, they will work as long as long as you are consistently performing specific actions.

To increase your Alexa rank in the long run, I would highly recommended that one focus on developing quality content which attracts and maintains a large audience instead of purely focusing on artificially increasing your Alexa Rank.

Great link-worthy content will leads to an natural increase in site traffic and is an excellent way to passively increase your Alexa rank.

It is important to emphasize that you should devote most of your efforts in growing your site audience alongside integrated implementation of any of the following tips below.

  1. Install the Alexa toolbar or Firefox’s SearchStatus extension and set your blog as your homepage. This is the most basic step.

  2. Put up an Alexa rank widget on your website. I did this a few days ago and receive a fair amount of clicks every day. According to some, each click counts as a visit even if the toolbar is not used by the visitor.

  3. Encourage others to use the Alexa toolbar. This includes friends, fellow webmasters as well as site visitors/blog readers. Be sure to link to Alexa’s full explanation of their toolbar and tracking system so your readers know what installing the toolbar or extension entails.

  4. Work in an Office or own a company? Get the Alexa toolbar or SS Firefox extension installed on all computers and set your website as the homepage for all browsers. Perhaps it will be useful to note that this may work only when dynamic or different IPs are used.

  5. Get friends to review and rate your Alexa website profile. Not entirely sure of its impact on rankings but it might help in some way.

  6. Write or Blog about Alexa. Webmaster and bloggers love to hear about ways to increase their Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic (i.e. visitors with the toolbar already installed). This gradually has effects on your Alexa ranking.

  7. Flaunt your URL in webmaster forums. Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed. You’ll get webmasters to visit your website and offer useful feedback. It’s also a good way to give back to the community if you have useful articles to share with others.

  8. Write content that is related to webmasters. This can fall in the category of domaining and SEO, two fields in which most webmasters will have the Alexa toolbar installed. Promote your content on social networking websites and webmaster forums.

  9. Use Alexa redirects on your website URL. Try this: . Replace with the URL for your website. Leave this redirected URL in blog comments as well as forum signatures. This redirect will count a unique IP address once a day so clicking it multiple times won’t help. There is no official proof that redirects positively benefit your Alexa Rank, so use with caution.

  10. Post in Asian social networking websites or forums. Some webmasters have suggested that East Asian web users are big Alexa toolbar fans, judging by the presence of several Asia-based websites in the Alexa Top 500. I suggest trying this only if you have the time or capacity to do so.

  11. Create a webmaster tools section on your website. This is a magnet for webmasters who will often revisit your website to gain access to the tools. Aaron Wall’s webpage on SEOTools is a very good example.

  12. Get Dugg or Stumbled. This usually brings massive numbers of visitors to your website and the sheer amount will have a positive impact on your Alexa Rank. Naturally, you’ll need to develop link worthy material.

  13. Use PayperClick Campaigns. Buying advertisements on search engines such as Google or Exact Seek will help bring in Traffic. Doubly useful when your ad is highly relevant to webmasters.

  14. Create an Alexa category on your blog and use it to include any articles or news about Alexa. This acts as an easily accessible resource for webmasters or casual search visitors while helping you rank in the search engines.

  15. Optimize your popular posts. Got a popular post that consistently receives traffic from the search engines? Include a widget/graph at the bottom of the post, link to your Alexa post or use Alexa redirection on your internal URLs.

  16. Buy banners and links for traffic from webmaster forums and websites. A prominent and well displayed ad will drive lots of webmaster traffic to your website, which can significantly boost your rank.

  17. Hire forum posters to pimp your website. Either buy signatures in webmaster forums or promote specific articles or material in your website on a regular basis. You can easily find posters for hire in Digital Point and other webmaster forums.

  18. Pay Cybercafe owners to install the Alexa toolbar and set your website as the homepage for all their computers. This might be difficult to arrange and isn’t really a viable solution for most. I’m keeping this one in because some have suggested that it does work.

  19. Use MySpace . This is a little shady so I don’t recommended it unless you’re really interested in artificially inflating your Alexa Rank. Use visually attractive pictures or banners and link them to your redirected Alexa URL. This will be most effective if your website has content that is actually relevant to the MySpace Crowd.

  20. Try Alexa auto-surfs. Do they work? Maybe for brand new sites. I think they are mostly suitable for new websites with a very poor Alexa rank. Note that there be problems when you try to use auto surfs alongside contextual ads like Adsense. They aren’t also long term solutions to improving your Alexa Rank so I suggest using with caution.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Traffic Travis Free SEO Software

Traffic Travis provides a simple set of tools for monitoring the popularity and potential viewings for a particular Web site. With great instructions and an easy layout, this is a fantastic Internet research tool.

The program's interface is impressively professional, with top-notch graphic design, intuitive navigation, and helpful tutorial videos that clarify every point. Traffic Travis provides four distinct functions that allow you to collect data and do research on your selected Web site. The first one searches for popular keywords and competition, and another shows your site's ranking amongst the top four search engines. Yet another tracks point-and-click advertisements, and the fourth grades your own site for its search engine optimization. These four combined into a single easy-to-use overview of a particular Web site, one that is particularly rich in useful data. It's easy to imagine this program being especially helpful to the online endeavors of self-promoters and Internet marketers. Traffic Travis is so focused on its core functionality that it basically neglects any extras or special features. This isn't a problem, but given its performance and usefulness, we'd have liked the ability to go directly online to view competitors' sites when they're listed. Nevertheless, this is an eye-opening tool that provides an impressive collection of data.

Download Now

How to Find Targeted Keywords for your website or blog

Finding targeted keywords is based on two important factors: the level of competition for that keyword or phrase and the popularity of that phrase.

1. First things first: decide what your major keywords and phrases are. This is fairly obvious so I think only a cursory mention will be adequate. Obviously if you have dog training products you need phrases to do with dog training products in your title and scattered liberally across your page. So far, so good.

2. Find keywords with the least competition. This is easy, just google words or phrases to do with your product (preferably phrases, they're more specific) and if it comes back with less than 1000 search results, consider the phrase relatively low in competition. Remember, less competition is a good thing.

3. Of course, even if a search term has less than ten results, it won't mean a thing if that phrase doesn't get any searches. A simple and effective way to determine which words and phrases DO get the most searches is via free word tracker programs like Type in a keyword or phrase and it basically tells you how many search results that keyword/phrase gets each month on that particular search engine. So just to recap, you're looking for a phrase that generates few search results yet gets searched for a lot (over a hundred searches is good).

4. If you've hit a brick wall, get creative. Open a thesaurus and search for synonyms of the phrase or word you were thinking to use and, eventually, you'll hit a gold mine.

5. Once you've found a highly searched for term with low competition, you need to make it clickable, that is, attractive to the consumer. Here's where you need to do some thinking to make the title jump out. For instance, try making the title numerical; instead of "losing weight", try "4 easy steps to losing weight", it's just more snappy. There are lots of other ways to make a clickable title, adding shock value also works. It seems counter-intuitive but making the title insulting works wonders.

So there you have it, the tried and true method for finding keywords that will generate you a lot traffic and, hence, a lot of cash.

10 SEO Tips to Get Your WordPress Blog Ranking Highly in the Search Engines

There are a lot of different plugins and techniques discussed regarding SEO for WordPress. Sometimes it can be confusing to know which approach is best to get your blog started properly and quickly. You also want to maintain a clean look to your blog to make it visitor friendly.

Here are 10 SEO tips that will help you get all these accomplished.

SEO Tip # 1: Use Targeted Keywords in the Post Titles.

Post titles should make use of targeted keywords and should be mentioned every so often in the article. The titles should not be used again as another post title on the same site since this can confuse the search engines and influence your rankings.

It is a good idea to make a list of keywords you would like to focus on and have them handy for your post titles.

You can find best keyword by usning this tool

SEO Tip # 2: Make Page Titles Interesting and Keyword-Rich.

These should be carefully thought out. Use appropriate keywords that you want to target. It is especially important if you are going to have a list of pages appear on the front page of your site.

Make your titles appealing and interesting in the first couple of words. Avoid unnecessary words like "a" and "the" at the beginning of the title, as you have a limited number of words to grab the attention of the person searching the search engines for a topic.

SEO Tip # 3: Use a Google Sitemap.

This is a tool that can get your site indexed faster by Google, and it is a must-have for any WordPress site. It helps Google find out what pages are on your site.

You can make a sitemap with a Google XML Plugin plugin that allows you to turn on the sitemap at the flip of a button.

SEO Tip # 4: Ping Your Posts.

Every time you make a post you can ping your post to a number of different websites. This will give you added exposure and help you develop backlinks if your post is linked back by webmasters. Every post should be pinged.

SEO Tip # 5: Customize Your Permalinks.

This is one of the most important things you can do for a WordPress blog as far as SEO goes. You want to get the title of your post in the URL itself. You can do this by customizing your permalink structure. Simply type in /%postname%/ in the custom option and the blog post name will appear.

If you do not make the changes, the default structure will appear in the URL, which consists of numbers and question marks. This does nothing for SEO, and your posts would not be picked up as quickly, and would not rank as well.

SEO Tip # 6: Create Tags.

Creating tags helps the search engines when they are crawling your site. They are only one or two words that briefly describe what your post is all about.

Search engines use tags to help categorize, index and find your posts faster. Tagging can be done as soon as you complete a post, and only takes a few seconds to do.

SEO Tip # 7: Do Some Linking.

You can cross-link your posts to other posts you have on your blog. You can either do this manually, or by using a plugin.

If you have a post that you think is important, or a sales page on your blog, you can link to it and make the post or page have an importance level of its own.

SEO Tip # 8: Set Up Categories.

Categories will tidy up your site into a neat and orderly presentation of content that is good for both your visitors and the search engines. It is like cataloguing a file cabinet full of loose papers into separate piles of information that are readily available.

If you have the permalinks turned on for your blog, you will see the category listed in the URL as well as the name of the post. This helps with SEO, and your visitors will appreciate seeing what is on the post directly from the URL.

SEO Tip # 9: Include Related Posts.

You can add posts that are related to a post under any postings that you do. You can get a plugin that will place a number of posts that are related via their tags.

You can configure how many related posts you want to show, which makes it easier for the search engines to make their way to your older content.

SEO Tip # 10: Use an All-In-One SEO Pack.

This plugin generates META tags automatically, or you can set any META keywords and descriptions you want. It works well with other plugins, and gives you the flexibility to try ranking for different keywords if you are not being properly recognized for one.

Many webmasters would not consider doing without this one SEO plugin and have seen dramatic results by using it. It can be added to pre-existing sites as well if you want to try boosting your rankings.

There are other things you can do to help optimize your SEO on a WP blog; but if you follow the recommendations listed above, you will be well on your way to having a blog that the search engines would love and pay attention to.

These guidelines will set up a nice clean blog pattern that can be duplicated time and time again as you build more blogs. It is easy to set up, and you can gradually add more plugins and items to get your site in an even better position to make it to the top.

16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do?

Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.

1. Set up an email subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.

2. Set up a feed on so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine.

3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.

5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines.

6. Submit your blog to blog directories.

Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.

15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).

16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.

Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

How to Check Which Web Pages Are Indexed by Search Engines

Here is the guide for newbies on how to find out if your web site is listed in the search engine, and if listed, which pages are listed. I'll show you how you can check it in most popular search engines.

-Google: Go to Google homepage

2. Enter "" and click the Search buttonexample:

-Yahoo: Go to " ".

2. Enter your domain name in the "the exact phrase" box, check the "only search in this domain/site" type your domain in the field and click the Yahoo! Search button.

-AltaVista: Go to AltaVista homepage

2. Enter "" and click the Find button.

-AllTheWeb: Go to AllTheWeb homepage

2. Enter "" and click the Search button.

-AOL Search: Go to "".

2. Enter " and click the Search button.

-Dmoz / Open Directory: Go to Dmoz homepage

2. Enter just "" and click the Search button.

-HotBot: Go to

2. Enter "" and click the Search button.

-Lycos: Go to Lycos homepage

2. Enter "" and click the Go button.

-Bing: Go to Bing homepage

2. Enter "" and click Search

To find your Web pages in those search engines, you can try to search for your domain name. For Firefox users here is great plugin which show all relevant info about your site for few searches engines.

Also, there are many sites where you can check this in just one click for few important searches engines, but I prefer this kind of check.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Generate High Quantity of Contents

Generating contents to your blog is the most simple task of blogging. This task is simple and you must do it everyday. Some people think that creating new contents to their blog is very troublesome and some of them don't update their blog at all.

The truth I can tell you is that, creating new contents to your blog is the most important task of blogging. Your blog will not be popular if you only have 1 or 2 posts. People will not come back to read your blog and they will leave if they don't find your blog informative.

So, creating new contents is important. You can give your readers new information and they will constantly come back and read your blog.

Search engines like new contents. The bot of search engines will index your blog and of course, it will index your new posts. Your new posts will be added into RSS and your posts will also appear in the search engines results list.

So, if your blog have a lot of posts, then you will be able to get a lot of traffic from search engines.

How many posts do you need for a qulity blog?

The number of posts depend on you. You can create a 500 posts blog or even more. Websites ior blogs that get a lot of traffic from search engines usually have more than 1000 posts. So, if possible, create more posts to your blog.

When your blog have more than 1000 posts. You will be able to get a lot of traffic and therefore, your AdSense Earnings will increase tremendously.

***Make sure that you create quality contents, do not simply "bang" on a topic and then create a low quality post about it. Create the contents properly and make it looks good. Keep your visitors coming and generate readerships to your blog.

Make a lot of money from AdSense is not impossible for you.

Generate High Quantity of Contents

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

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WP theme with 2 column layout, theme options, custom header, post image thumbnail ready (only for Wordpress 2.9 or higher), widget-ready (sidebar and footer), custom gravatar, easy to customize, visit Palmixio page.

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TechBlue Adsense-Ready Theme

Techblue is an Adsense-ready created especially for tech and related blogs. However, it can be used on any other blog.

Download Now

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

How to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Website From Search Engine Keyword Searches

Most people believe that the only way to get their keywords to rank high in the search engines is to use the SEOers tricks and tactics. But these tactics are only able to fool the spiders for a short time and then algorithms change and so does your keyword ranking, and you have to start climbing back up again using new tricks/tactics that are doomed to fail again.

1. How to get your keywords to rank in search engines.

The proper way to get good ranking, is by giving the search engine spiders what they are looking for, relevance. How do you do this? Good question: Proper planning from the start is the key. In order to get high traffic keywords to rank, you will build a list of keywords with lower traffic and competition that are connected with your higher ranking keyword by sub categories i.e. traffic is your high ranking keyword and a sub category might be daily traffic.

So to give relevance to these keywords you would write one web-page on and about traffic. Your daily traffic keyword will be a link on your side bar on the web-page about traffic. In the content about daily traffic you will have a link to yet another lower keyword were you have written a web-page on this subject. In this way the lower or easierkeywords to get ranking for, due to low search volume and competition will be the doorway that starts the keyword ranking process.

2. How to build up your search engine traffic through keywords ranking.

If you set up your website in this manner, your lower keywords will rank first and traffic will find its way into your site from the bottom. The search engines notice and watch their movement on your site, if you write good content hopefully they will continue further into you site structure. As this takes placesearch engines notice and they will see the relevance in your site. And soon your higher ranking keywords will be found in the search engines , and this will cause greater traffic. Which in-turn gets more noticed and your site content becomes more relevant and finally your top keyword is ranked and your site is growing in traffic and relevancy.

3. How building on the right platform will make all the difference.

Everything will be based on your site structure: The way you categorize your keywords from your niche market. Planning this out can be quite a task but with the right tools and guidance, once learned it can be reproduced over and over again. If you desire to build a business that generates warm targeted traffic that will only grow and grow then you need to learn how to structure your website

Saturday, 2 January 2010

What is an RSS Feed?

Many websites and blogs feature those little orange and white icons that depict beaming soundwaves – and RSS logo. But what does that logo mean?

RSS feeds are a standardized web tool that’s seen a tremendous growth in popularity alongside blogs, news websites, podcasts. And many websites feature “syndication subscription” options using RSS feeds. But when you click on the little icon and enter your information, what exactly are you signing up for? And could an RSS feed benefit your website or blog?

How an RSS Feed Works

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” An RSS feature on a website enables the webmaster or automated program to send out information in real time to a list of subscribers. RSS feeds are commonly found on blogs, news websites, forums, discussion boards and any other site that frequently updates its information. Even online magazines like Suite101 offer RSS feeds for each of its hundreds of writers and for each of the 20 basic topics that are covered on the site.

According to software developer and internet enthusiast Alan Sparks, “RSS feeds are supplied by uploaded files, saved in an XML format. These files can contain images, text or audio. The uploaded material is then syndicated, or sent out to subscribers in real time.”

How Do I View or Listen to RSS Feeds that I’ve Signed Up For?

An RSS reader program, also known as an aggregator, is required to access the information that’s beamed out over RSS feeds. The RSS reader program essentially serves as a mailbox on a computer and even some cell phones and new handheld devices. The RSS reader receives and stores all of the RSS data that’s associated with an individual’s RSS subscriptions.

An internet connection is required to receive RSS feeds. And many popular websites offer free access to RSS readers, including Yahoo!, AOL, NewsGator, and Google.

In addition, some internet browser programs include basic RSS aggregator capabilities, including Internet Explorer 7, Safari and Firefox.

The audio, video, text and images that are sent out via an RSS feed can then be viewed at the subscriber’s leisure.

Benefits of an RSS Feed for Websites and the Subscribers

There are an array of benefits associated with RSS feeds, for both the individual or website that’s distributing the material and for the subscribers.

“One major benefit from the subscriber’s standpoint is that you don’t have to go searching for information that interests you. The information comes to you, so there’s no time wasted visiting blogs, discussion forums – that sort of thing - to see if there’s new additions. If there is something new, it’s sent to you automatically, “Sparks explained.

An RSS feed is different from an e-mail subscription because the information is not sent to an e-mail inbox; it’s sent to a distinct location (the RSS aggregator), which is convenient for internet users who don’t want to stuff their e-mail accounts with extraneous messages.

The RSS feed is beneficial to the website and to the individuals syndicating material, as it provides an active method of outreach. Otherwise, it’s a matter of waiting for internet users to check back in for updates at random, and this can be frustrating and counterproductive if the material is not updated when the individual revisits a site.

“RSS feeds are beneficial for both the website and the subscribers. The website can actively reach out to the readers, and readers can save time since they won’t need to check back for updates because all updates are sent via the RSS feed as soon as they become available. RSS feeds are a win-win for everyone involved,” Sparks concluded.