Friday, 28 May 2010

FreshBrown Free Wordpress Theme By TricksDaddy

I was Googling last night so i found this great wordpress theme. Check it and then comment on it.


FreshBrown is a 3 column + 2 column wordpress theme with premium looks. It features a premium look and its best for technology related blogs.

Features :

  • 3 + 2 columns

  • Premium looks

  • Widget ready

  • Fluid width

  • 3 widgets in footer for placing more content

  • Space for 468×60  advertisement banner in the header

  • Space for 125×125 ad blocks in the sidebar

  • Supports comments threading and paging

  • Fully compatible with Wordpress 2.9

  • Less graphics to make it load faster

  • Free of cost

Installation :

  • Download and extract file in a folder.

  • Now upload this folder to ‘/wp-content/themes’ using FTP client.

  • Now login to your Wordpress admin panel and go to Appearance -> Themes.

  • From the list given, activate freshbrown theme.

Links :

Demo | Download From Mediafire

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Facebook has been banned in Pakistan

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has blocked Facebook over a competition encouraging its users to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on the social networking site.

Earlier in the day, the LHC ordered authorities to block Facebook until May 31..

The depiction of any prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam as blasphemous and Muslims across the world staged angry protests over the publication of satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in European newspapers in 2006.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Download free Thesis Sharp Skin

As you know that this blog uses Thesis Theme. So, you need a free skin for thesis theme.There is a very beautiful and free thesis skin named Sharp. This is designed by that have a variety of free thesis themes.

Skin Features

  • A widgetized header area for social networking icons, banners, or anything else you want to stick in there and also a widgetized footer area. You can access both of these areas and add or remove content directly from the widget panel inside wordpress.

  • Fading page and sidebar backgrounds and several additional content area css classes to really make your images and links stand out.

  • 8 Different Color Schemes in addition to the default gray you see here on the demo page. Additional colors are aqua, blue, purple, green, red, brown, orange, and pink. Instructions on how to change the color schemes is included in the custom.css file and involves copying and pasting a couple lines of code. You can see screenshots of the different color schemes here.

Download Free Thesis Sharp Skin


Installation Instructions

Download the skin files which contain the two custom files (custom.css and custom_functions.php) and all background images. Backup your current custom files if you’ve got any customizations you want to save and then upload all files to your custom folder.

You need to make two small changes in your Thesis Options panel for the skin to display properly. In the Design Options panel, select Full-width framework and change the Outer Page Padding to 0 (zero). Save your changes using the Big Ass Save Button and refresh your site.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Making Your Blogger Blog DoFollow

As I have been going through blogs in the dofollow blog list, I see there are a large number of Blogger blogs in the list.  Blogger blogs, like self hosted Wordpress Blogs are nofollow by default.

In order to get your Blogger blog accepted into my dofollow directory, not only do you have to make your blog dofollow, you also have to setup your comments correctly.

To change a Blogger blog from nofollow, to dofollow, you must modify the template that you are using.  Every time you change the template on your blog, you will have to manually change the template to be nofollow.

Here is how to do that.

Login to your Blogger account, click on “Settings”, click on “Layout”, then “Edit HTML”.  Now we will find the rel=’nofollow’ tag and remove it.

Edit Blogger Template

Edit Blogger Template

In your browser do an Edit – Find and look for rel=’nofollow’.  It will look something like this.

Remove DoFollow from Blogger

Remove DoFollow from Blogger

Delete the “rel=’nofollow’”, and nothing else.  I would also do another Find to make sure you found all instances of rel=’nofollow’ and removed them.

Save the template.

Okay, the first step is now complete, but there is another step that is required in order for the blog to be accepted in my directory.  Right now the comments are dofollow, but the comments point to only Blogger profiles, so links are not pointed directly to a commentors website.

Now, we will setup the comments to allow commentors to point to their website.

Go to “Settings”, then “Comments”.  Under “Who Can Comment?”, select “Anyone – Includes Anonymous Users” like below.

DoFollow Blogger Comments

DoFollow Blogger Comments

Save the settings.  Now, when someone attempts to leave a comment, they will have the option to comment using a Name/URL, see below.  Any Blogger blog that does not have the Name/URL option, along with not being dofollow, will not be approved.

Blogger DoFollow Comments

Blogger DoFollow Comments

Saturday, 1 May 2010

You can get millions of unique visitors

My previous post made some sense that how we can become a successful blogger. Internet users are creating contents contineously and want to make blogs full. Contents are king but without any promotion you can't come on the top. So, your have to promote your website via various ways. In order to make a success in blogging the quality of content is very important. However, only content cannot help in making a blog popular. You need to know about various successful tools for blog promotion. Internet is full of a large number of blog promotion tools and websites. Here are a few tools which you can use for promoting your blog.

1. MyBlogLog

You might have heard about this service before. This service is offered by Yahoo for blog promotion. Here, you would be able to meet a large number of bloggers and you can ask them to visit and join your blog. You may leave your comments on other people blogs and they will return the favor. It is a trusted method for blog promotion. However, a person can send only 15 messages in 24 hours if he is using MyBlogLog.

2. Technorati

Numerous bloggers have already added their blogs at this website. If you add your blog at Technorati then it will help a lot in its promotion. You can meet likeminded people here. Do not doubt the reliability of this website by focusing on its name. It is a wonderful tool for blog promotion.

3. BlogShowOff

Recently, BlogShowOff has also become a very popular tool for blog promotion. It is very simple to add your blog at this website. You would not face any problem in understanding the procedure of adding a blog at this website. After adding your blog, you will find your blog at the top of the page. Until new blogs are added at this website our blog will stay at the top.

4. Zimbio

Zimbio is another great tool for promoting blogs. It is simpler than Technorati. Wikizines is the feature which makes this tool different from others. Wikizines refer to magazines that can be edited and created by anyone. Google picks up wikizines in a very short time. Therefore, bloggers love to use Zimbio for promoting their blog.

5. Facebook

Facebook can be used to connect with anyone anywhere in the world. A large number of people use facebook at present. You can update your status with information about your blog. Here, you can also meet likeminded writers, bloggers and readers. It is very easy to use facebook. You can join communities of your interest in facebook and get people interested in your blog.

6. Digg

You can add your blog at Digg. You can add your posts and if people like it, they will digg it. More diggs indicate increased popularity of your blog. It is very easy to use Digg. Numerous people use Digg for promoting their blog. Google picks up blog posts from Digg in a fast manner.


Twitter has become biggest social networking website after Facebook but to be succeeded with twitter, you should have sufficent followers. Not only you can promote your website but you can also earn money from twitter. has been reviewed and permanently deleted.

I'm so disappointed and hard to accept the lost of the blog. My mood down to the bottom. I can't seem to do anything because the email from Blogger team said has been permanently deleted.

So how I got my blog back online?

I'm not so sure if it was me who brings the blog back online.

The next few days of my blog deleted, I did some searches on Google to see if anyone encountered the similar situation and managed to get his/her blog back online. Guest what I found a guy that was managed to get his blog restored after deleted! He contacted the Blogger team in IT department. Someone in replied his request and restored his blog. When I read this, I'm feeling a little hope. I went ahead to send an email to the Blogger team to ask that if it is still possible to have my blog back online. I also apologize for any spam that I might have done unintentionally.

Few days later I was able to login to my Blogger account again but the blog still hasn't restored. I clicked the 'Restore Link' in my Blogger account again to have another restore request sent automatically to This time really works. Within about 10 hours, I checked that my blog is up again. Oh man! I'm so excited when I first saw my blog is back online. I thank a million to the Blogger team.

This is how I got my blog deleted and restored.

If you have the same situation and you are sure that your Blogspot blog isn't violated any term and condition of Blogger, I would suggest you send a polite email to the Blogger team to request your blog to be restored.

Till now I not sure if my blog was really violated any rule or policy of and causes the deletion. Over a Griz's blog, How to Make Money for Beginners, Griz pointed out that the possible reason is due to AdSense optimization of the blogger which causes detected as spam and deleted. This may be the reason. Griz gave some good points about how Blospot blogs can get banned. Blogspot blogs that Made-for-AdSense (MFA) would certainly be deleted. But how to determine a blog or site is MFA, this is still in question. A blog that lacks of content with a lot of AdSense ads is obviously MFA. But for the blogs that contains loads of content and fully optimize with AdSense, will they be seen as MFA as well? Well it's hard to tell. But the best thing we can do is always making sure that our blog or site isn't against any policy should you use AdSense or to make money onlne.