Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Six Things You Can Do To Increase Your Adsense Earnings

Google Adsense is one of the easiest ways to earn money from your blog. Though, we often hear bloggers complaining about low Adsense earnings and how they always keep on looking for alternatives. Well, this is true to some extent as there are methods like affiliate marketing which can make you more money from your blog but provided the least amount of efforts required to create an Adsense account and to install the Adsense code on your blog I feel that even the low Adsense earnings are completely worth it. And, combined with tips given below one can easily increase its earnings from two to three with same amount of traffic. So without further adieu let’s start the list.

Use Adsense Section Targeting

We all know that relevant ads perform well than non relevant ads.  It is normal for a blog to contain lot of irrelevant keywords. For e.g. – if you are writing a post on keyword research and take an example of pet industry in the post.  You’d never want Google to show ads related to dog training on your blog based on that example. Adsense Section targeting solves this problem for you. With Section targeting you can tell Adsense the important sections of your blog based on which Google should show the advertisements.

Use Placement Targeting

The other most effective way to increase your Adsense earnings is to enable placement targeting in your account. With help of placement targeting you can select a sub-set of ad units on your blog to display Google Ads. This information is shown to advertisers who want to show their ad on specific places for the website like top leader board or in a box in right column of the blog.

Use Adsense Category Filter

Remove the irrelevant and low paying ad categories using Adsense Category filter in your account. Take a look at the following screenshot to get the idea. Based on the information given in your account you can easily filter the least performing ad categories.

Use Competitive Ad Filter

Competitive Ad Filter was introduced by Google so that publishers can block ads of certain websites usually their competitors to appear on their websites. But, you can also use this features to block the low paying ads.  Most of the times, sites having poor quality or sites which are made only for Adsense use low paying ads at Google Adsense to get cheap traffic to their sites.  To get rid of low paying ads you have to block the ads of these sites. To do this, create an account on AdsBlacklist.com. Put in your domain name and keywords and AdsBlackList will show you the list of 200 MFA sites which you can copy and then block with help of Competitive Ad Filter.

Adsense for RSS

If you have a decent number of blog subscribers you should try Adsense ads for RSS. Like other Adsense ads, feed ads will be paid either by CPC or CPM.  Feed ads are contextually targeted according to the content of your feed and you can control the positioning of ad using ad placement.

Testing with Ad format and style

Keep testing with different ad formats to find out what works better for your blog. Every site is different so you need to find out what works best for you. Keep on changing size of ad blocks, their positions, ad type (text, image), color and font size and analyze the results. Stick to the style which performs better than others.
So these are the six things you can easily do to increase your Adsense earnings instantly. Do you have any more tips to increase Adsense earnings? Feel free to share them with us in comments below.

Guest Post by:- David From Conversion Optimization Company Invesp


  1. financial planning education28 October 2010 at 23:39

    WOW !! You have shared some great tips to earn money online. It has helped me a lot to learn that how to earn money online. If you have some more tips then please share with us.

  2. Josh Ray@Make Money Blogging6 November 2010 at 08:42

    I can't see the pics you were talking about.  I do like your blog though, there are some good ideas for maximizing adsense.  I think people have to realize that unless they have 1,000's of visitors a day they won't get rich with adsense no matter how much they tweak it.

  3. good tips....  however, like Josh said above, the real factor to adsense is traffic.  Even if you have a poor layout, you will still get revenue if the traffic is there.  The biggest problem I have noticed with people failing at adsense is they target high paying keywords that have way too much competition.  By focusing on the right keywords, your pages will have a chance to rank.  Once they rank, the traffic will come naturally, as will the revenues from adsense....  :)

  4. I have a site working captcha works. Now I will try ur methods to install my Google Ad.
    thanks a lot!

  5. I have been running AdSense for a couple of months now on a new website that I am building. I had not given thought to optimizing AdSense so this article is perfect for me with the excellent suggestions. I am presently focused on building content, SEO and social media networking. But I need to pay some attention to AdSense. Thanks.

  6. The baisc fact is that if you don't have good relevant content then your visitors won't stay on your site long enough to click on any ads. Get the content and the site right and then focus on the adsense.
