Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Finding a Job in Web Design

Finding a job in website design may not be as difficult as one might think. There are several ways a qualified designer can work. He can get a job working for a web design company, begin his own business or work freelance—promoting his services online to design for other people while remaining his own boss.

When applying for a job, the applicant needs to establish his qualifications; don’t commit to a specific job title. The Human Resources person will see which position would best suit those specific qualifications. Many jobs within a company that are web related don’t state that in the title: copywriter, copy editor, producer, information architect, graphic designer, program manager, layout artist, and digital developer are some options.

Concentrate on the job description scanning for web technology terms such as Web or HTML. Any job for an online company will have something to do with the web field and get the novice in the door. Being a copy editor may not be the goal, but starting small with a good company can get the employee where he ultimately wants to go.

Non-corporate settings can also provide work in web design. Being a freelance web writer, establishing one’s own website, writing website reviews, or becoming a web designer for others on a freelance basis can provide a good income. However a freelance web designer must set himself apart. He should cater to a very specific industry, knowing their insider terms and jargon well in order to fill their niche most effectively. He may offer a variety of services—webhosting, design, writing, editing, and specialty art—to meet that industry’s needs.

A freelance web designer may want to have an onboarding life events system to keep his business productive. It will provide personalized employee portals for task management and electronic forms. Onboarding apps also support employee life events such as promotions, medical leave, and employment termination. As an entrepreneur the freelancer must also be able to manage time, business orders, and finances for himself and his employees. Some onboarding programs provide assistance in these areas also. Managing contracts and other legal aspects must be taken into account when one establishes a freelance business for himself and his employees. Tax payments and licensing must also be considered. It is no small job to work for one’s self.

Before accepting any employment in the field, get the education and certification needed to be prepared for all aspects of web design. Today any job is somewhat difficult to get. Having the specifically required skills will place one applicant far ahead of another.

Danielle is a writer with a passion for web design, social media and freelance business.  In her free time she enjoys playing with her two English bulldogs. Read her blog about technology, computers, and gadgets at TechNected.com.

1 comment:

  1. sliding glass doors18 June 2011 at 20:24

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