I have also a Good blog and I think most of the users want to make a blog like this. Actually, I have wordpress blog but I have also some contents that may fit in a static html website but wordpress is handling perfectly.e.g. I have a page with contents that can't be fit with two side bars then I made a "No Sidebars" template and make a page like this.
Now, the question is "How can I make a wordpress blog??"
Before we take a look at the answer You need some prequsites.
- A Domain
- Hosting Account
- WordPress Software
- FTP Software
- A text Editor(Notepad++)
- A little knowlege of cpanel
Domain Name
In my opinion, to choose a domain name is the most important point to become a successful blogger and to get high search engine traffic. So, you should have to choose a domain that matches with your blog contents or the topic in which you are interested. e.g.
You are going to make a blog about "Wordpress Blogging" then you should choose domain name like dailyblogger, bloggingtips, blogblogging, wordpressblog, wordpresstips, wordpressblogger etc…
Here You can purchase the cheapest domain names from us. Cheapest Domain Names
Hosting Account
Most of the internet users are trying to find free hosting but remember that Nothing is free in this world. You should choose a paid hosting company so that you are protected against account suspension from free hosting company.
Hosting should be more reliable and you should choose a company that provides 99.99% uptime. We are also providing cheapest more reliable hosting that will lead your blog at the top.
Hosting Packages
Check it then select a Package.
Logging in to cpanel
You need FTP settings for some settings or if any mistake you made then you can recover from ftp software and you can control all your website through this. Anyway now we are going to log in to cpanel But you should have at least these three thins.
- Cpanel URL e.g. adsenseurdu.com/cpanel
- You user name e.g. xyz
- Your password
When you are logged in then move to next step.
Create a MYSQL Database
- Click on MYSql Databse wizard
- In First step you will have to give Database Name e.g wordpress(But later this will be merged with your user name just like adsenseu_wordpress, if you are using cpanel)
- In next step, you have to enter user name and password for the database that will be used in wordpress installation later. Put the password that should be alphanumeric because of security purpose.
- In last step you should use check on all previlags for a database tables.
- Just save Database info in your notepad for later use.
Download WordPress Free Software
WordPress is the best blogging software that is available for Free. You can Download here(Always link to Latest version)
In future you will not need to download the latest version but you will be able to install updates right from your dashboard.
Configure wp with your DataBase
You will find a file named wp-config-sample.php and then rename this file to wp-config.php
Open wp-config.php in text editor (like NotePad++) and find this part:
// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘putyourdbnamehere‘);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘usernamehere‘);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘yourpasswordhere‘);
/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost‘);
Put here all the info that you saved in your notepad for your use.
- Your MySQL Database Name should replace putyourdbnamehere
- Your MySQL User Name should replace usernamehere
- Your MySQL password should replace yourpasswordhere
- Your MySQL Host Name should replace localhost
- Save wp-config.php
WordPress Installation
Just visit this URL to install wordpress http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/install.php and replace www.yourdomain.com with your domain e.g.http://www.adsenseurdu.com/wp-admin/install.php
You will Find the wizard as shown Below
- Fill in your Blog Title
- Fill in Your E-mail
- Make sure your Allow my blog to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati is checked
- Click on Install WordPress
- Next screen you see should say Success! and should give you your Username andPassword.
- Click on Log In.
- Now you will see your blog’s Log In page. Make sure to bookmark that URL.
- Fill in the Username and Password you have just received
- Click on Log In.
Now you will see your WordPress 2.9.2 Dashboard where all the optimization, customization, post writing, plugin installing, comment moderating takes place.
This means your blog has been setup and is live online. Check your http://www.domainname.com to see it. You will also get an email titled New WordPress Blogwhich includes your URL and your username / password. Enjoy your WordPress 2.9.2 blog!
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