Sunday, 17 July 2011

Who's the greatest hacker ever?


(c) 1987 Reprinted from Current Notes magazine.

The question comes up from time to time. "Who's the

greatest hacker ever? "Well, there's a lot of different opinions

on this. Some say Steve Wozniak of Apple II fame. Maybe Andy

Hertzfeld of the Mac operating system. Richard Stallman, say

others, of MIT. Yet at such times when I mention who I think the

greatest hacker is, everyone agrees (provided they know of him),

and there's no further argument. So, let me introduce you to him,

and his greatest hack. I'll warn you right up front that it's

mind numbing. By the way, everything I'm going to tell you is

true and verifiable down at your local library. Don't worry --

we're not heading off into a Shirley MacLaine UFO-land story.

Just some classy electrical engineering...


Colorado Springs is in southern Colorado, about 70 mile

south of Denver. These days it is known as the home of several

optical disk research corporations and of NORAD, the missile

defense command under Cheyenne Mountain. (I have a personal

interest in Colorado Springs; my wife Sandy grew up there.)

These events took place some time ago in Colorado Springs. A

scientist had moved into town and set up a laboratory on Hill

Street, on the southern outskirts. The lab had a two hundred

foot copper antenna sticking up out of it, looking something like

a HAM radio enthusiast's antenna. He moved in and started work.

And strange electrical things happened near that lab. People

would walk near the lab, and sparks would jump up from the ground

to their feet, through the soles of their shoes. One boy took a

screwdriver, held it near a fire hydrant, and drew a four inch

electrical spark from the hydrant. Sometimes the grass around

his lab would glow with an eerie blue corona, St. Elmo's Fire.

What they didn't know was this was small stuff. The man in the

lab was merely tuning up his apparatus. He was getting ready to

run it wide open in an experiment that ranks as among the

greatest, and most spectacular, of all time. One side effect of

his experiment was the setting of the record for man-made

lightning: some 42 meters in length (130 feet).


His name was Nikola Tesla. He was an immigrant from what is now

Yugoslavia; there's a museum of his works in Belgrade. He's a

virtual unknown in the United States, despite his

accomplishments. I'm not sure why. Some people feel it's a dark

plot, the same people who are into conspiracy theories. I feel

it's more that Tesla, while a brilliant inventor, was also an

awful businessman; he ended up going broke. Businessmen who go

broke fade out of the public eye; we see this in the computer

industry all the time. Edison, who wasn't near the inventor

Tesla was, but who was a better businessman, is well remembered

as is his General Electric. Still, let me list a few of Tesla's

works just so you'll understand how bright he was. He invented

the AC motor and transformer. (Think of every motor in your

house.) He invented 3-phase electricity and popularized

alternating current, the electrical distribution system used all

over the world. He invented the Tesla Coil, which makes the high

voltage that drives the picture tube in your computer's CRT. He

is now credited with inventing modern radio as well; the Supreme

Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943 in favor of Tesla.

Tesla, in short, invented much of the equipment that gets

power to your home every day from miles away, and many that use

that power inside your home. His inventions made George

Westinghouse (Westinghouse Corp.) a wealthy man. Finally, the

unit of magnetic flux in the metric system is the "tesla". Other

units include the "faraday" and the "henry", so you'll understand

this is an honor given to few. So we're not talking about an

unknown here, but rather a solid electrical engineer. Tesla

whipped through a number of inventions early in his life. He

found himself increasingly interested in resonance, and in

particular, electrical resonance. Tesla found out something

fascinating. If you set an electrical circuit to resonating, it

does strange things indeed. Take for instance his Tesla Coil.

This high frequency step-up transformer would kick out a few

hundred thousand volts at radio frequencies. The voltage would

come off the top of his coil as a "corona", or brush discharge.

The little ones put out a six-inch spark; the big ones throw

sparks many feet long. Yet Tesla could draw the sparks to his

fingers without being hurt -- the high frequency of the

electricity keeps it on the surface of the skin, and prevents the

current from doing any harm. Tesla got to thinking about

resonance on a large scale. He'd already pioneered the

electrical distribution system we use today, and that's not small

thinking; when you think of Tesla, think big. He thought, let's

say I send an electrical charge into the ground. What happens to

it? Well, the ground is an excellent conductor of electricity.

Let me spend a moment on this so you understand, because

topsoil doesn't seem very conductive to most. The ground

makes a wonderful sinkhole for electricity. This is why you

"ground" power tools; the third (round) pin in every AC outlet in

your house is wired straight to, literally, the ground.

Typically, the handle of your power tool is hooked to ground

this way, if something shorts out in the tool and the handle gets

electrified,the current ruches to the ground instead of into you.

The ground has long been used in this manner, as a conductor.

Tesla generates a powerful pulse of electricity, and drains

it into the ground. Because the ground is conductive, it doesn't

stop. Rather, it spreads out like a radio wave, traveling at the

speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. And it keeps going,

because it's a powerful wave; it doesn't peter out after a few

miles. It passes through the iron core of the earth with little

trouble. After all, molten iron is very conductive. When the wave

reaches the far side of the planet, it bounces back, like a wave

in water bounces when it reaches an obstruction. Since it

bounces, it makes a return trip; eventually, it returns to the

point of origin. Now, this idea might seem wild. But it isn't

science fiction. We bounced radar beams off the moon in the

1950's, and we mapped Venus by radar in the 1970's. Those planets

are millions of miles away. The earth is a mere 3000 miles

in diameter; sending an electromagnetic wave through it is a

piece of cake. We can sense earthquakes all the way across the

planet by the vibrations they set up that travel all that

distance. So, while at first thought it seems amazing, it's

really pretty straight forward. But, as I said, it's a typical

example of how Tesla thought. And then he had one of his

typically Tesla ideas.

He thought, when the wave returns to me (about 1/30th of a

second after he sends it in), it's going to be considerably

weakened by the trip. Why doesn't he send in another charge at

this point, to strengthen the wave? The two will combine, go out,

and bounce again. And then he'll reinforce it again, and again.

The wave will build up in power. It's like pushing a swingset.

You give a series of small pushes each time the swing goes out.

And you build up a lot of power with a series of small pushes;

ever tried to stop a swing when it's going full tilt? He wanted

to find out the upper limit of resonance. And he was in for a



So Tesla moved into Colorado Springs, where one of his generators

and electrical systems had been installed, and set up his lab.

Why Colorado Springs? Well, his lab in New York had burned down,

and he was depressed about that. And as fate would have it, a

friend in Colorado Springs who directed the power company,

Leonard Curtis, offered him free electricity. Who could resist

that? After setting up his lab, he tuned his gigantic Tesla coil

through that year, trying to get it to resonate perfectly with

the earth below. And the townspeople noticed those weird

effects; Tesla was electrifying the ground beneath their feet on

the return bounce of the wave. Eventually, he got it tuned,

keeping things at low power. But in the spirit of a true hacker,

just once he decided to run it wide open, just to see what would

happen. Just what was the upper limit of the wave he would build

up, bouncing back and forth in the planet below? He had his Coil

hooked to the ground below it, the 200 foot antenna above it, and

getting as much electricity as he wanted right off the city power

supply mains. Tesla went outside to watch (wearing three inch

rubber soles for insulation) and had his assistant, Kolman Czito,

turn the Coil on. There was a buzz from rows of oil capacitors,

and a roar from the spark gap as wrist-thick arcs jumped across

it. Inside the lab the noise was deafening. But Tesla was

outside, watching the antenna. Any surge that returned to the

area would run up the antenna and jump off as lightning. Off the

top of the antenna shot a six foot lightning bolt. The bolt kept

going in a steady arc, though, unlike a single lightning flash.

And here Tesla watched carefully, for he wanted to see if the

power would build up, if his wave theory would work. Soon the

lightning was twenty feet long, then fifty. The surges were

growing more powerful. Eighty feet -- now thunder was following

each lightning bolt. A hundred feet, a hundred twenty feet; the

lightning shot upwards off the antenna. Thunder was heard

booming around Tesla now (it was heard 22 miles away, in the town

of Cripple Creek). The meadow Tesla was standing in was lit up

with an electrical discharge very much like St. Elmo's Fire,

casting a blue glow. His theory had worked! There didn't seem

to be an upper limit to the surges; he was creating the most

powerful electrical surges ever created by man. That moment he

set the record, which he still holds, for manmade lightning. Then

everything halted. The lightning discharges stopped, the thunder

quit. He ran in, found the power company had turned off his

power feed. He called them, shouted at them -- they were

interrupting his experiment! The foreman replied that Tesla had

just overloaded the generator and set it on fire, his lads were

busy putting out the fire in the windings, and it would be a cold

day in hell before Tesla got any more free power from the

Colorado Springs power company!

All the lights in Colorado Springs had gone out. And that,

readers, is to me the greatest hack in history. I've seen some

amazing hacks. The 8-bit Atari OS. The Mac OS. The phone

company computers -- well, lots of computers. But I've never

seen anyone set the world's lightning record and shut off the

power to an entire town, "just to see what would happen". For a

few moments, there in Colorado Springs, he achieved something

never before done. He had used the entire planet as a conductor,

and sent a pulse through it. In that one moment in the summer of

1899, he made electrical history. That's right, in 1899 -- darn

near a hundred years ago. Well, you may say to yourself, that's

a nice story, and I'm sure George Lucas could make a hell of a

move about it, special effects and all. But it's not relevant

today. Or isn't it? Hang on to your hat.


Last month we talked about an amazing hack that Nikola Tesla

did -- bouncing an electrical wave through the planet, in 1899,

and setting the world's record for manmade lightning. This

month,let me lay a little political groundwork. Last October I

attended Hackercon 2.0, another gathering of computer hackers

from all over. It was an informal weekend at a camp in the hills

west of Santa Clara. One of the more interesting memories of

Hackers 2.0 were the numerous diatribes against the Strategic

Defense Initiative. Most speakers claimed it was impossible,

citing technical problems. So many people felt obligated to

complain about SDI that the conference was jokingly called

"SDIcon 2.0". Probably the high(?) point of the conference was

Jerry Pournelle and Timothy Leary up on stage debating SDI. I'll

leave the description to your imagination -- it was everything

you can think of and more. Personally, I was disturbed to see

how many gifted hackers adopting the attitude of "let's not even

try". That's not how micros got started. I mentioned to one

Time magazine journalist that if anyone could make SDI go, it was

the hackers gathered there. I also believe that the greatest

hacker of them all, Nikola Tesla, solved the SDI technical

problem back in 1899. The event was so long ago, and so amazing,

that it's pretty much been forgotten; I described it last issue.

Let me present my case for the Tesla Coil and SDI.


You will recall I said that Tesla was born in Yugoslavia

(although back then, it was "Serbo-Croatia"). He is not unknown

there; he is regarded as a national hero. Witness the Nikola

Tesla museum in Belgrade, for instance. There's been

interferences picked up, on this side of the planet, which is

causing problems in the ham radio bands. Direction finding

equipment has traced the interference in the SW band to two

sources in the Soviet Union, which are apparently two high

powered Tesla Coils. Why on earth are the Soviets playing with

Tesla Coils? There's one odd theory that they're subjecting

Canada to low level electrical interference to cause attitude

change. Sigh. Moving right along, there's another theory, more

credible, that they are conducting research in "over the horizon"

radar using Tesla's ideas. (The Soviets are certainly not saying

what they're doing.) When I read about this testing, it worried

me. I don't think they're playing with attitude control or

radar. I think they're doing exactly what Tesla did in Colorado



Time for another discussion of grounding. Consider your

computer equipment. You've doubtlessly been warned about static

electricity, always been told to ground yourself (thus

discharging the static into the ground, an electrical sinkhole)

before touching your computer. Companies make anti-static spray

for your rugs. Static is in the 20,000 to 50,000 volt range.

Computer chips run on five to twelve volts. The internal

insulation is built for that much voltage. When they get a shot

of static in the multiple thousand volt range, the insulation is

punctured, and the chip ruined. Countless computers have been

damaged this way. Read any manual on inserting memory chips to a

PC, and you'll see warnings about static; it's a big problem.

Now Tesla was working in the millions of volts range. And his

special idea -- that the ground itself could be the conductor --

now comes into relevance, nearly a hundred years after his

dramatic demonstration in Colorado Springs. For, you see, in our

wisdom we've grounded our many computers, to protect them from

static. We've always assumed the ground is an electrical

sinkhole. So, with our three-pin plugs we ground everything --

the two flat pins in your wall go to electricity (hot and

neutral); the third, round pin, goes straight to ground. That

third pin is usually hooked with a thick wire to a cold water

pipe, which grounds it effectively. Tesla proved that you can

give that ground a terrific charge, millions of volts of high

frequency electricity. (Tesla ran his large coil at 33 Khz).

Remember, the lightning surging off his Coil was coming from the

wave bouncing back and forth in the planet below. In short, he

was modifying the ground's electrical potential, changing it from

an electrical sinkhole to an electrical source. Tesla did his

experiment in 1899. There weren't any home computers with

delicate chips hooked up to grounds then. If there had been,

he'd have fried everything in Colorado Springs. There was,

however, one piece of electrical equipment grounded at the time

of the experiment, the city power generator. It caught fire and

ended Tesla's experiment. The cause of its failure is

interesting as well. It died from "high frequency kickback",

something most electrical engineers know about. Tesla forgot

that as the generator fed him power, he was feeding it high

frequency from his Coil. High frequency quickly heats

insulation; a microwave oven works on the same principle. In a

few minutes, the insulation inside that generator grew so hot

that the generator caught fire. When the lights went out all over

Colorado Springs, there was the first proof that Tesla's idea has

strategic possibilities. It gets scarier. Imagine Tesla's Coil,

busily pumping an electrical wave in the Earth. On his side of

the planet, he was getting 130 foot sparks, which is a hell of a

lot of voltage and current. And simple wave theory will show you

that those sort of potentials exist on the far side of the planet

as well. Remember, the wave was bouncing back and forth, being

reinforced on every trip. The big question is how focused the

opposite electrical pole will be. No one knows. But it seems

probable that the far side of the planet's ground target area

could be subjected to considerable electrical interference. And

if computer equipment is plugged inot that ground, faithfully

assuming the ground will never be a source of electricity, it's

just too bad for that equipment. This sort of electrical

interference makes static look tiny by comparison. It doesn't

take much difference in ground potential to kill a computer

connected across it. Lightning strikes cause a temporary flare

in ground voltage; I remember replacing driver chips on a network

on all computers that had been caught by one lightning strike,

when I lived in Austin. Imagine the effect on relatively delicate

electronics if someone fires up a Tesla Coil on the far side of

the planet, and subjects the grounds to steep electrical swings.

The military applications are pretty obvious -- those ICBM's in

North Dakota, for instance. It's possible they could be damaged

in their silos, and from thousands of miles away. Running two or

more Coils, you don't have to bee exactly on the far side of the

planet, either. Interference effects can give you high points

where you need with varied tunings. Maybe, just maybe, the

Soviets aren't doing "over the horizon" radar. Maybe they just

bothered to read Tesla's notes. And maybe they are tuning up a

real big surprise with their twin Coils.


You've heard of the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star

Wars". We're searching for a way to stop a nuclear attack.

Right now, we've got all sorts of high powered research projects,

with the emphasis on "new technology". Excimer laser, kinetic

kill techniques, and even more exotic ideas. As any of you know

that have written computer programs, it's darned hard to get

something "new" to work. Maybe it's an error to focus on "new"

exclusively. Wouldn't it be something if the solution to SDI

lies a hundred years ago, in the forgotten brilliance of Nikola

Tesla? For right now we can immobilize the electronics of

installations half a planet away. The technology to do it was

achieved in 1899, and promptly forgotten. Remember, we're not

talking vague, unproven theories here. We're talking the world's

record for lightning, and the inventor whose power system lights

up your house at night.


All we'd have to do is build it. You might not believe the

story about Tesla in Colorado Springs, and what he did. It's

pretty amazing. It has a way of being forgotten because of that.

And I'm not sure you want to hear about the SDI connection.

Still, as you work on a computer, remember Tesla. His Tesla Coil

supplies the high voltage for the picture tube you use. The

electricity for your computer comes from a Tesla design AC

generator, is sent through a Tesla transformer, and gets to your

house through 3-phase Tesla power. Tesla's inventions... they

have a way of working..

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