Sunday, 17 July 2011

You should Know About Black Hat And White Hat Seo Methods

Search engine optimization process is taking too much importance in the internet world because nowadays, billions of the websites are live on the internet on the same topic. So, how to come on the top of all these list? The answer is SEO process that can place your website at the top of the search engines results that may increase sales for your business because people only take attention on top results.

There are some methods that are adopted by the seo optimizers. Now we discuss two of the them.

Black Hat Seo Method

Illegal method to do seo to get top ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc… Using of invisible text, keywords stuffing and doorway pages on website is a black hat techniqueswhich is used in search engine optimization with in short tine duration.

Now if Google track any of these methods that are adopted by you, then you may be penalized and your website will be banned from Google for unmentioned duration. So, be careful to adopt this method.

Invisible text- Using invisible text on website counted on black hat SEO techniques. A text which is hidden and which is on website and not be easily readable, in a hidden text the font color andbackground color of page are same. Never use hidden links on websites.

Keywords Stuffing- Keywords is most important for website, do not do keywords stuffing on Meta tags, and always put relevant and targeted keywords on Meta tags. Never use a keyword more than one time. Some people make a crowed of keywords, probably they want to come on the top of search engine results in a night. So, be careful while using keywords.

White Hat Seo Method

This is the main SEO technique which is used in search engine optimization, search engine fully support this techniques and conforms to the search engines’ guidelines or completely follows search engine rules and policies. Directory submissionarticle submissions, RSS submission, andblog submission are counted in white hat SEO techniques.

Social media optimization is a latest SEO technique and counted in white hat SEO techniques. Social media optimization helps in getting traffic on website, the links from social book marking and social media website counted in link juice. Most popular social websites like Twitter, Digg and Facebook can bring a lot of traffic to your website.

So, now it's your turn to decide weather you should adopt Black Hat Seo Method or White Hat methods?

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